42/54: Success Directive – Breed to Succeed

When I think of success, I think of my parents.  Both my mother and father play different roles in the household.  My mom isn’t a stay-in-home mom, but she works for her money just like my dad.  They both try their best to provide for our family, and they’ve made huge sacrifices for us and each other.  They’re type of parents that would make time for their kids even though they have a full work schedule.  I’m not gonna lie, but I was a bit of a spoiled child.  I was never really aware of the sacrifices my parents had to make in order to make me and my siblings happy.  I’m definitely more appreciative now and always will be.

I’m sure Barbie and Ken would make great parents.  I’m not sure if they’re actually married, but I’m going to assume they are for the sake of this post.  Here are pics and a link for proof:

barbiemarriage1 barbiemarriage2

Digging through my portable hard drive, I dug up this photo of my parents and their wedding.

Mom and Dad Marriage

My parents are an inspiration.  As corny as it sounds, finding someone you love and marrying them can be one of the greatest successes in life.

In the meantime:

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